Kuih Cincin, also known as Ring Cookie or Ring Biscuit, is a traditional cookie of the Brunei-Malay and Bajau people of Sabah. The word Kuih cincin literally translates to “ring cake”, but in actual fact, it’s more of a cookie that a cake.
There are two different variations to this cookie; the hard version (Iranun style) or the soft version (Brunei-Malay style). The soft type is also crunchy but have softer texture and is usually sweeter. Compared with the yellowish color of original Kuih Cincin, dark-brown Kuih Cincin contains more brown or red sugar.
If you’re looking to make it yourself, it’s actually fairly simple. It is a mixture of wheat and rice flour, brown, red palm (coconut-based) and white sugar, fine salt, and cooking oil. The batter is deep-fried twice to create two layers of texture and flavours, for more richness in tastes.